Monday, January 16, 2023

The Economic Cooperation on Dam management and Water Development Forum

The Economic Cooperation on Dam management and Water Development Forum is a platform designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to discuss recent technological innovations and scientific research developments related to dam management, water treatment technology, environmental and ecological systems, water related issues and water infrastructure.

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#dam_management #watermanagement #watertreatment #watertechnology #research #commerce #environmental #infrastructure

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is kicking off 2023

Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is kicking off 2023 with great energy according to sources within the company who stated that they will continue with old projects as well as unveil new ones.

One of such new projects is the Baltic-Africa Economic Corporation and Business Development Forum 2023, taking place in Tallin, Estonia, designed to promote Africa as a viable ground for trade and to read...
#baltic #africa #economiccooperation #businessdevelopment

Globe Chamber of Commerce Stretches it's Program To The Mediterranean


The Mediterranean Economic and Investment Forum, Slovenia is designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry with the primary purpose of establishing trade relationships, explore investment opportunities, and promote local content for local economy.

Business organizations and participants across the globe seeking for the opportunity to expand their services and products into the Mediterranean countries’ market will also be given an opportunity to participate in the event. This is a great opportunity for other Africa entrepreneurs to enhance their business opportunities by expanding to the 21 Mediterranean countries.

The Mediterranean Economic and Investment Forum in its capacity will support companies and organizations across a variety of sectors  like: renewable energy, technologies, infrastructure, professional services, education, agriculture, mining and transportation, and encourage their business initiatives in different continent through meetings with key industry players, potential local partners, potential buyers and targeted institutions.

The event will also seeks to establish a connection, and facilitate partnership building, among Africa’ enterprises and organizations.

In addition, Participants will be afforded the luxury of Learning about the wonderful investment opportunities that countries in the Mediterranean offers, but the organizers will create a healthy balance; create avenue for the participants to enjoy this countries and what it offers to investors: unique weather, clean environment, bespoke hospitality, worldwide famous culture, healthy Mediterranean food, safety, high-level education and good medical services.

Participants will be afforded the luxury to immerse themselves in the culture and lifestyle, including property tours of new developments and lot more.

Stay tuned as more information on The Mediterranean Economic and Investment Forum, Slovenia comes your way.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

World Aqua Technology and Dam Development Forum & Expo: A Program where Global Aqua Technology Community will Converge.

Water is the source of all life and also one of the most threatened commodities. Without consistent access to this limited and increasingly unpredictable resource, fertile fields go barren, wildlife populations dwindle and communities suffer devastating consequences. As climate change further threatens coastal populations with rising water and dangerous floods, the need to develop sustainable, equitable sources of clean water has never been more urgent.

The World Aqua Technology and Dam Development Forum & Expo is a platform designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to discuss recent technological innovations and scientific research developments related to Aqua-Tech resources management, water treatment technology, environmental and ecological systems, agricultural-water related issues and water infrastructure.

The program will bring together the global aqua technology community to exchange practical experience, learn of new technical developments, encourage best practice, and together play a role in advancing aqua tech development in the parts of the world which need it most.

Besides new schemes, emphasis will also be placed on maximizing the value of existing aqua technology, by timely refurbishment, upgrading and improving operational efficiency.

According to the President of Globe Chamber of Commerce on their official web page, stated that, “This program is probably the most truly international forum devoted specifically to aqua tech and dam development; and at least 100,000 delegates from more than 70 countries are expected to attend”.

“We will focus on potential and development plans, the changing roles of dam development, adapting to new challenges, ensuring safety and operational efficiency, and environmental protection, among many other topics”, he added.

“A major technical exhibition will run alongside the expo, showcasing the state-of-the-art Aqua technology, with many products and services on display”. He concluded.

The World Aqua Technology and Dam Development Forum & Expo is indeed a trade show for water technology and it is intended for participants from the agriculture, energy industry, the automotive industry, metal industry and the pharmaceutical industry among others.

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World Business Women Conference and Forum


The World Business Women Conference and Forum is a program designed to support, empower and encourage women to participate actively in business. The program is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Naturally speaking, women have not fared as well as men in the workplace, with most women earning just three-quarters of what their male counterparts make — but that is only half the story. For the last 20 years, more women have opted to start their own businesses than ever before, even outpacing men, and they have been thriving. The reality is that women can, and should, have a large presence in the business world.

According to research conducted by Globe Chamber Time, businesses that have at least one woman in an executive seat tend to have much higher valuations than companies with all men. In fact, companies with a female executive are worth 64 percent more at first funding and 49 percent more at last funding than their all-male counterparts. With numbers like that it, is no wonder that the amount of early-stage investing in companies with at least one female executive has been growing over the past 15 years, tripling to 15 percent from a mere 5 percent, but there is still room to grow.

One big advantage women offer the business world and management in particular is that they have different sets of life and work experiences than men do and thus different perspectives. This leads to different opinions, different preferences, and different strategies. In turn, this diversity allows decision-making to become more multi-dimensional and thus more comprehensive. Boards with at least one female member tend to take longer to green-light acquisitions than all-male boards. This is because women tend to be more risk-averse and strategic than men. While this tendency may lead to smaller and/or fewer acquisitions, it also allows for more careful and more informed decisions.

The trend for women in business is growing. It is fueled by women determined to lean and get into the big business game, millennial looking to define their own career paths, and many others who are more entrepreneurial in nature.

Mentorship programs are helping pull women up, further than ever before. At the same time, women are pulling together and creating their own networking, conferences, and meet-ups — but they still have a way to go. Women looking to start businesses or expand existing ones have less opportunity for funding, and overall they make less than men, even if they have the same title and education.

Women must be considered seriously in business, be it as executives or entrepreneurs. They can bring different perspectives to the proverbial table and tend to be more strategic. This tendency may make them more risk-averse in acquisitions, but it also leads to greater success from a valuation standpoint in the start-up phase, when more calculated moves have the biggest impact. It will take time to achieve workplace equality, but women in business is what should be encouraged and nurtured to grow.

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The world Economic and Investment Forum

The world Economic and Investment Forum (weiforum) connects continents with continents through bilateral trade partnerships, economic cooperation and trade development that spread across all sectors.
#investment #partnership #bilateraltrade #tradedevelopment #investment

Monday, January 9, 2023



Ensuring business stability is part of the Globe Chamber of Commerce's views for the New Year, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Partnership with European Embassies, has instituted a new program ‘Nordic Economic and Investment Forum’.

Nordic Economic and Investment Forum is part of the efforts of the Globe Chamber of Commerce to strengthen trade between the Northern part of Europe and other countries as well as Africa.

The event which is scheduled for 2023 will be joining other plans set aside by Globe Chamber of Commerce for 2023.

According to report from Globe Chamber Business Time, the President of the organization said Nordic countries and Africa will have a lot to offer each other, the both can learn, trade and share both technologies and strategies to make both nations better.

“It will be a joint trade mission, state visit, business delegation of industry, investment and commerce to North Europe. While over there, African people have a lot to learn from how they have been pulling through, and I believe it will be a wonderful experience”


 Nordic Economic and Investment Forum joins the list of other events like Euro - Africa Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum, Valletta, Malta;  Poland - Africa Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum, Australia - Africa Economic and Investment Forum, among others, designed to give the business climate a boost in 2023.

“Nordic Economic and Investment Forum is simply one the numerous business collaboration platforms that harmonizes nations of the world” The president added.

The event has been scheduled for 2023 and the President concluded that he's optimistic that things will become clearer as the year unfolds.