Friday, February 17, 2023

World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM UK): A project that will give meaningful impact to global trade.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), one of the foremost international trade development organization has come up with  'Weiforum Uk'

speaking during the announcement, Hon. Buchi George, who is the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, revealed  that the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEFORUM)  UK, is a tool that will change the global business perspectives.

adding that WEFORUM Uk which is an international conference, trade summit, and product exhibition platform is created to facilitate international trade development and investment between countries and continents, in which Africa is not excluded.

 "Aside the fact that the conference upholds all that our organization believes, the conference is timely as the world is trying to create a balance in trade and investment", he complimented.

GCCI an organization that institute business programs that connect continents with continents through bilateral trade partnerships, economic corporations and Trade development ; that develops all sectors.
Weiforum is your path to economic recovery.
#business #economicrecovery #commerce #investment

Thursday, February 16, 2023

World Economic and Investment Forum

World Economic and Investment Forum, WEIFORUM is a Global Business Platform and Gathering of the Executives, Government, Policy Makers ,Traders and International Investment Organizations, the Meeting Point and A conference for Economy Decision Makers, An Annual Summit and Forum for All Business Stakeholders in Development of Trade. #investment #business #economy #development

World Dental Congress: an excellent forum for the exchange of ideas, research and technical know-how.

 The World Dental Congress is designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) to provide a great platform for learning, knowledge sharing, connecting and networking with dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental assistants, chiefs of staff oral professionals, and experts covering all essential dental sessions, and other members of the dental team from all over the world.

By effective communication, community development, training, and multidisciplinary gatherings around the world, the congress will help in the generation and dissemination of oral disease knowledge. In addition, the program is dedicated to the creation and maintenance of a global scientific network dedicated to the promotion of oral health.

According to the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George, The World Dental Congress will be an excellent forum for the exchange of fresh ideas and research. Scientists, Dental Professionals, Dental Nurses, Professors, Business Assistants, Students, and individuals from all dentistry groups will be able to network at this event. The congress will create opportunities for institutions with the dissemination of high-quality knowledge through Keynote Speakers, Symposia, hands-on workshops, and exhibitions.


Global Exports Exhibition and Expo: a program that will promote ideas, and serve common interests.

One of the problems that exist in global trade dynamics while building new trade linkages is an uncertain surrounded by continuously changing international environment. such as, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing consequences of the pandemic, and US-China trade disputes which have caused governments and global perspectives to rethink trade as a critical component of economic security.

Governments, businesses, and societies are being pushed to navigate new approaches to new realities as a result of a shift toward a green and digital economy.

In the light of the above, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is introducing Global Exports Exhibition and Expo, a program that will create an opportunity to increase the need for adequate planning, essential communication and proper coordination of business activities, which will facilitate the effectiveness of brand promotion and networking, while highlighting, successfully finding and implementing dynamic solutions for the issues affecting export trade.

The Global Exports Exhibition and Expo is the gathering of export experts, export stakeholders, decision makers, government representatives and all involved in exports matters to promote and enhance the importance of exports in any given economy  whereby creating an opportunity to increase the need for adequate planning, essential communication and proper coordination of export activities.



Being innovative is the hallmark of a productive life. This is why Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is instituting a Family support project.
One of the goals of the family support project is to revolutionize the mindset of families; helping them make better investment and financing decisions in Entrepreneurial settings, support, empower and also address key questions that challenges their businesses.
#investment #mindset #project #commerce

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ecological, Water & Environment Symposium on Soil Erosion Pollution Control and Desertification: An event with a lot of positives.

 The Ecological, Water & Environment Symposium & Expo is a program instituted by Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry to bring together experts, researchers, scholars and students from all areas of Basic science, Chemical engineering, Earth and planetary sciences, Ecology, Environmental science, Environmental toxicology, Bioremediation and Public health, Occupational and industrial safety.

According to analysis on the web page of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), the organization took out time to express pleasure in welcoming all well-meaning business enthusiasts from all over the world to attend the Ecological, Water & Environment Symposium & Expo, which will present lively debates, keynote presentations from experts, Networking opportunities, plenary sessions based on essential topics in Soil erosion and Pollution Control.

The program is so designed to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. The expo is all about promoting global health issues and advanced technologies used to control and regulate erosion and pollution.


Nigeria Property Expo and National Real Estate Development Conference: A program you can't afford to miss!

 From the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GGCI) web page, the Nigeria Property Expo is scheduled to hold in London, UK.

The event which is tagged ‘Nigeria Property Expo, will showcase the best of the real estate industry in the country, and it will feature buyers, sellers, developers, investors, professionals, government authorities and regulatory bodies. The Expo will also provide exhibits, speakers, and a consultation area for one-on-one meetings with clients and an onsite expanded workshop series for small groups.

According to the President of GCCI, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George,“This expo will attract buyers who are professionals in key positions within the faculty of real estate in Nigeria and non-Nigerians who also have interests in real estate and are open to explore the opportunities available in the Nigerian market.

“The expo will create a business mix with individuals and personnel representing both the private and public sector such as chairpersons and members of housing cooperatives, estate managers, estate owners, architects and other form of experts in the real estate business. It will provide a great opportunity for them to meet and compete with relevant key players and to find suitable investment opportunities in the market”, he added.

He further stated that the Expo will not only give participants the opportunity to interact with real estate professionals but also get them one step closer to having their dream of being a landlord as well as to gain indispensable information and knowledge about real estate.

Describing properties as the most reliable form of investment, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George urged Nigerians to take advantage of the event to learn the best possible way to make long-term wealth for themselves.

As arrangement for the event is ongoing, applications and registrations are being entertained.

Trade Expo Africa: An Initiative To Promote The African Brand - Buchi George


The President of Globe Chamber of Commerce, Hon. Buchi George has described the Trade Expo Africa (TEA) as an initiative to promote Africa business.

The President  whose organization is powering the  Trade Expo Africa (TEA), stated that the event is more or less a global innovative platform to enhance trade, business and investment opportunities among nations, with Africa not excluded in the enormous benefits the platform will be offering.

We are creating something that is not just for today, but for the future. We want a platform that will help both new and established businesses. We want to expose hidden investment opportunities around Africa while also helping boost trade opportunities on a global scale”, he said.


Friday, February 10, 2023

Train Africa, Invent Africa

Train Africa, Invent Africa: A skillset development program powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry. #skillset #training #africa #automobileskill

World Lifestlye and Luxury Week: "We are expecting a new dimension to this program because we are adding values...." GCCI President

 In preparation to an eventful 2023, the president Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has announced a new event tagged “World Lifestlye and Luxury Week”. It is an event that will be bring together participants from both private and public sector.

“Lifestyle denote the interests, opinions, behaviours, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture”

“The World Lifestyle and Luxury Week program will focus on community, acknowledging the different socio-economic issues that affect our society, and wants to spark some real lifestyle initiatives and solutions to aid the health and well-being inequalities that exist in our society. It is now more vital than ever to ensure that is lifestyle reaches those who need it the most.” He added


Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Forum:


Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Forum which is powered Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry is a bilateral business and economic event designed to bring business individuals, trade leaders, stakeholders together to partner and explore trade and investment opportunities.

According to Globe Chamber official website, the Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Forum designed for Baku, Azerbaijan, will provide an unrivalled avenue for networking and top-level dialogue on business issues concerning the business growth of Africa.

It will bring together African and European business leaders from a range of organizations to discuss how to improve the business and investment climate between them. Among these are multinational companies, large corporations, small and medium-scale enterprises and confederations, as well multilateral and regional institutions.


One Plant, One World Conference: " The collaborations and investments of today are changing the world of tomorrow" - GCCI President.


The relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss has been established. Climate change disrupts natural habitats and threatens the extinction of many plant and animal species. As with the Coronavirus, the destruction of ecosystems and natural habitats raises the likelihood of animal-to-human disease transmission. However, there is still time to act!

The One Planet, One World Conference is a Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry-led initiative that will bring together government, stakeholders, and decision-makers from all walks-of-life to identify and accelerate transformational initiatives and investment solutions for climate, biodiversity, and coastlines.

The fundamental purpose of the conference is to support the development of real solutions for the transition to a green economy, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity protection.





 The lack of affordable housing is one of the most critical issues facing rural communities, #housing


Health is an important determinant of economic development; a healthy population means higher productivity, thus higher income per head. The importance of human capital to economic growth cannot be over emphasized because it serves as a catalyst to economic development. This is why the Economic Cooperation and Medical and Healthcare Business Forum is institutionalized.

The Medical and Healthcare Investment and Business Development Forum is Part of Globe medical and Healthcare Conference which is  designed to help readdress healthcare service impediments. in doing so it will focus on innovative health and medical services; which is not limited to advanced techniques and instrumentation, as well as the translation of medical research to health outcomes.

Relevant areas of interest will also include life science, practice based research, advanced clinical practice, workforce training and regional delivery of health services.

The Conference will be targeting representatives from medical industries, medical research organizations, institutions and the government. The program will include conferences, tailored meetings (B2B, B2C & G2G) and networking events. Through these activities, the conference will represent a valuable opportunity for delegates to network and form partnership.

The Program is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

For enquiry on participation:
Or visit our website on:

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

National Hydropower and Dams Intervention Project: an essential platform for sharing fresh experiences, discussing major concerns, reviewing progress, and considering future potential.

The National Hydropower and Dams Intervention Project is distinguished to bring together professionals, researchers academics and experts from all around the world to focus on flood control and hydropower development challenges of particular significance to nations of the world. In addition, it will showcase the most active and innovative companies in the hydropower and dams industry nationwide.

According to an experience business mind and the president of Globe chamber of commerce and Industry, Hon. Buchi George, The project will create an excellent opportunity for participants to meet and interact with industry leaders as well as some of hydropower's leading lecturers and practitioners who will inspire us to conquer the difficulties ahead and reflect on our hydropower landscape.

“The project will concentrate on the possibilities and difficulties that consumers face, with a particular emphasis on dam upgrading for extended life and the increased need for flexibility, and power plant modernization opportunities.

“Hydropower is a clean, renewable, and ecologically beneficial source of energy, accounting for 16% of global electricity generation and around 78% of renewable electricity generation. It makes a considerable contribution to energy supply security”, he continued

“Hydropower is one of the most affordable renewable energy sources, and it is frequently economically competitive with market energy costs. It has a large initial investment but a lengthy lifespan with very cheap operation and maintenance costs. Hydropower has one of the highest conversion efficiencies of any known energy source “, he added


World Water Summit and Expo: the program will serve as an effective commercial hub to connect professionals, manufacturers & distributors with buyers, dealers and more...


 World Water Expo is an event that will proffer solution to problems that evolve around Water treatment, processing, purification, equipment, advancement of water production through water business, knowledge sharing and technology transfer, water development, Environmental Services, eco- friendly System, Portable Sanitation, Water Quality, High Pressure and many more.

According to web page of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), World Water Summit and Expo is also an excellent platform for business minds and aspiring individuals, as it helps them to reach their target customers and accelerate a profitable business. This one-of-a-kind expo provides a platform for established companies to showcase their position and experience among industry buyers and end-users.

 The event is scheduled for Seoul, South Korea, from the 21st - 23rd of March 2023, and it will be powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and supported by some MDGAs and Embassies.


Romania - Africa Economic Cooperation Forum 2023: An Agriculture Program that will serve as a breaking ground for all Agro business and, also unify international countries

 In an effort to unify Trade globally, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has come up with a list of events that will change how African countries do business.

Unveiling plans for Romania - Africa Economic Cooperation Forum 2023, billed for Bucharest, Romania, the President of Globe Chamber of Commerce (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George, the chairman said there are more events lined up for 2023 and even beyond.

The  Romania - Africa Economic Cooperation Forum 2023 is an Agric-Commerce, Agric Business, Agric- Trade and Agroexport programme distinct for creative minds, innovative thinkers and everyone with an interest in the Agricultural sector including Manufacturers, large scale farmers, exporters, entrepreneurs, Business Moguls, State and Federal Government representatives among others.


Renewal Energy Business Forum: a forum with objective of advancing the global energy transition to renewables.

 Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is embarking on a journey with a fresh focus on collaborative innovation, which is not only about new technologies, but requires system-wide collaboration to unlock exponential growth opportunities.

In the forthcoming Renewal Energy Business Forum, Globe Chamber of commerce and encourages leaders from all walks of life to converge and deliberate on policies and experiences. Much emphasis will be on developing technical know-how to advance renewables at the global, national, and subnational levels.

Energy is so important that it could be seen as the pivot of global prosperity and wellbeing. Societies depend upon access to reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy. Energy systems are changing fast, shaped by many factors and diverse actors.


Monday, February 6, 2023

World Truck and Heavy Duty Equipment Expo: " We'll continually seek to pursue development in all sectors with the use of innovation" GCCI President



The  World Truck and Heavy Duty Equipment Expo will be partnered by other renown organizations and top Automobile Industries.

  is a program designed  by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  to bring together suppliers, dealers,  visionary and innovative minds, top organization leaders, manufacturers  with all those involved in trucks maintenance, repair and vehicle enhancement from around the world to interact and  focus on new ideas that will impact the changing economy around them.

one of the objectives of this Expo will be to identify phenomena and trends of key importance to the future of Heavy Duty-world and the prospects of its development.

The event will showcase a range of innovative parts and accessories needed to keep cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes and commercial vehicles on the roads.

The World Truck and Heavy Duty Equipment Expo is a place to establish permanent cooperation between the world of science and innovation that will transcend to giving participants an opportunity to find key contacts, importers, dealers in the industry, make the right deals and see innovation coming into the sector.

Features of the Event will include, and not limited to the following:

      B2B meetings with manufactures, suppliers, Brands and Innovators
       Addressing Business Risk Factors
      Display of exotic brands
      promotion and give attention to high standards of business activity, ethical standards in business and dissemination of the principles of business success,

According to the President of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George, is a year of impact making, and ground breaking success. we'll leave no stone un-turn, in our desire to achieve  and diversify economics.

“in the past, there've been circumstances, extreme conditions that shook the world, crumbled many economy and affect many sectors of the world.  this extreme circumstance gave birth to our ideology, focus and pursuit for economic diversification”, he added.

"we're ridged and firm, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GGCI)  will continually seek to remain true to her mission and objective, which is to keep pursuing developments in all sectors with the use of innovation", he concluded.

The The World Truck and Heavy Duty Equipment Expo will be partnered by other renown organizations and top Automobile Industries.

Stay tuned as  venue and date for the World Truck and Heavy Duty Equipment Expo will be communicated across shortly.

Friday, February 3, 2023

National Bridal Fair & Expo: “Fashion enthusiasts, designers and trendsetters, global brands, influencers and media among others, it's time to take a step ahead and bring together those of us who work every day to inspire, evolve, and propel the industry to new heights" - GCCI president

 The National Bridal Fair & Expo will be one of the portfolios of bridal fairs where product  professionals like Wedding gown and suit designers, event planners, light, sound and DJ teams, photographers, travel agency, decorators, invitation cards designers, salon experts and  jewelry manufacturers come together to connect and network.

According to Globe Chamber of Commerce (GCCI) web page, the program will bring together service providers and manufacturers from around the globe to connect with guests from diverse environment that need to arrange for their wedding or host a successful event, as the show will educate them on the importance of time saving, money, and the challenges of arranging a large event.

Adding that the event will bring together various skillset from the entertainment sector to strengthen this dynamic proposition. The essence of this magnificent event is to assist the retail trade and give new and flourishing energy to the entertainment industry.


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Globe Chambers of Commerce Unveils Plans For United Kingdom Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Development Forum 2023


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in a move to fasttrack economic recovery in Africa has unveiled plans for United Kingdom Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Development Forum 2023.

In a recent release signed by Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the organization said that in the face of global economic uncertainties, they are putting together a plan that will strengthen the global multilateral trade system.

“The most urgent task of our time is to enhance the global supply chain that enhances the multilateral trade system globally’’ the press release reads with Hon. Buchi George adding that the United Kingdom Africa Economic Cooperation & Investment Development Forum (UKAECID FORUM) 2023 is one of their top programs for the year.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023



 GLOBAL MEETING ON INVESTMENT IN MEDICAL AND HEALTHCARE SECTOR with investors stakeholders with major interest on developing nations #medical #investment #healthcare


 UNFW, A Meeting point for Manufacturers and Distributors of Fashion related products, services, also the Awards, inspiring and mentoring Fashion and Style Icons, Fashion Critics and the general public, #mentoring #fashion

Globe chamber of commerce and industry

 Globe chamber of commerce and industry #commerce



GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY #investment #development #africa

Globe chamber of commerce and industry #commerce


The World Education Conference

The World Education Conference, Read to Lead, is an international platform where academics, government, education experts, professionals and stakeholders convene to discuss on furthering the future of education.

According to The President of GCCI in the person of Hon. Buchi George in his linkedIn handle, The World Education Conference, Read to Lead, is an international platform where academics, government, education experts, professionals and stakeholders gather to discuss the future of education.

 “The conference on education will be projected as a life force, trade, business and edu-investment meeting for education sector stakeholders, professionals and all those involve in education. Adding that the read to lead conference is grooming, mentoring and growing a well-trained and cultured generation through quality and skilled based education that supports talents and ideas development in our ever changing world”, he continues.