Thursday, March 2, 2023



Housing, or more generally, living spaces, refers to the construction and assigned usage of houses or buildings individually or collectively, for the purpose of shelter.

 Housing ensures that members of society have a place to live, whether it is a home or some other kind of dwelling, lodging or shelter.

 Many governments have one or more housing authorities, sometimes also called a housing ministry or housing department.
Housing in many different areas consists of public, social and private housing. In the United States, it was not until the 19th and 20th century that there was a lot more government involvement in housing. It was mainly aimed at helping those who were poor in the community.
 Public housing provides help and assistance to those who are poor and mainly low-income earners. A study report shows that there are many individuals living in public housing. There are over 1.2 million families or households.
 These types of housing were built mainly to provide people, mainly those who are low-income and elderly, with safe, affordable, and good housing units.
There are many people who are a part of the nations Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). When counting, there are over nine hundred thousand participants in this program
GLOBAL GOUSING AND REAL ESTATE SUMMIT AND EXPO, A HOUSING PROGRAM OF Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is committed to taking the Real Estate Sector to the next level with also introduction of globe chamber media and television program, the housing and luxury living on tv, the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is determined to promote decent shelter for humanity.
Housing, or more generally, living spaces, refers to the construction and assigned usage of houses or buildings individually or collectively, for the purpose of shelter.


Housing ensures that members of society have a place to live, whether it is a home or some other kind of dwelling, lodging or shelter
The Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) is an organization with the aim of fostering global business, Investment, Trade, commerce and Economic exchange. GCCI organizes and supports initiatives and projects promoting international business, trade talk, global investment, and humanitarian goals.
In a brief with our media Globe Chamber Business Time, he stated that the  organization which is committed to providing quality business services and trade transactions to business people globally, is also into capacity building and Real estate, and they are ensuring that practitioners in the sector are brought to speed with the latest trends in the Real estate business.
"We are not just into the business to make money, but to make changes". he added.
"The Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo is a real estate development program where global top players in the real estate business converge. The housing program will offer participants the opportunity to gain knowledge from top sellers and dealers in the real estate business, network and gain partnership with other realtors". he stated
Another similar but concurrent construction program of the organization is the ‘ Africa/ Nigeria Property Expo UK’ where participants are expected to be drawn from real estate experts, buyers, sellers, developers, investors, professionals, government authorities and regulatory bodies in the real estate sector. With the introduction of diaspora village and earn and reach home program by globe chamber of commerce

The ‘Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo ’, will be held in London, Uk, and will showcase the best of the real estate industry in the globe.

 The Globe Housing Expo will also provide platforms for exhibitions and expertise consultation area for one-on-one meetings with participants and an onsite expanded workshop series for ALL'

With regards to the history of housing, there are studies that prove that the involvement of the government began in 1937, and it was "under the Nations

". The goal was to improve many things such as all of the unsafe, unsanitary, and terrible housing conditions which connect to the issue of affordable housing.

In 1940, there was development, and there was an Office of Housing expenditures. Later on, in the years, another housing act took place in 1956, and in 1960, there was recognition of rights which was considered to be a "huge turning point for public housing".

Many of the policies created back then tend to be still active nowadays. If anybody needs housing follow some easy steps and get the housing whenever you want at any location or any price student accommodation London.

From that time until now, public housing has been increasing. In the 1980s, there were many public housing individuals and tenants who lived in many different areas, particularly those areas that were segregated.

Some years later, a new program was created, and it caused many people to be relocated. This is similar to what we have today, where people are repositioned. Back then, the program was called Hope VI
Moving forward to the 2000s, the problem of finding affordable housing started to increase, leading HUD to start taking action and helping out many homeowners, individuals, agencies, and communities in order to find affordable housing.
Throughout the years after there had been an increase in housing prices then they tend to go down after a year, this was occurring in 2005, and it sure is occurring today, nowadays there are such high prices on houses.
In 2008, an act did take place called the "Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008" and this act "strengthened and modernized the regulation of...(government-sponsored enterprises) and the Federal Home Loan Banks"
 From 2013 to 2017, there were contributions occurring; for example, there was the LIHTC which although a source on the outside, did help out with HUD and provide many different funds which helped out with public housing, especially with their capital needs.
From 2000 until 2019, inflation dropped because of all of the public housing funds.
 Nowadays affordable housing is a huge problem for so many families, and this is up by about ten to fifteen percent since 2018 because of the increase in prices.
 Housing, or more generally, living spaces, refers to the construction and assigned usage of houses or buildings individually or collectively, for the purpose of shelter.


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