Thursday, March 16, 2023

Weiforum & Conference: "A program that has the potency to project, promote and market business brands, products, goods and services globally" - Hon. Buchi George

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) believes that WEIFORUM & Conference will undoubtedly impact meaningfully in every business personnel and sector that will participate in the event.

Supporting that statement, the president of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George in a media addressing expressed confidence that the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference will be historical, adding that its significance will be felt across every sector of global economy.

“Our journey as an organization has an imprint that is interesting no matter how the story is been told”

“Success in any endeavor does not come cheap, it has its sour taste before it became sweet and that is why we are doing all within our power irrespective of the challenges to ensure that this program uphold the desired goal and it solves globally challenges.

“Weiforum is a realistic project for today, tomorrow and for the future, it’s a realistic construct by GCCI that has the potency to scale up, promote, project and market business brands, products, organizations, goods and services globally". he added

He further stated that the WEIFORUM & Conference will be taking place from the 15th to 17th of September 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia.

“Despite having a tight calendar, we are giving priority this program  because of its broad nature.

“Even with the date outlined, there is still much to be done to make the event viable, but we are not relenting, all hands are on deck, to ensure the progress of the program.”

" We invite every business individual, organization and brand to register and attend this life changing program using this link ".

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