Tuesday, March 28, 2023

WEIFORUM Conference: "We're inviting all-well meaning business people to pitch their business tent in our forthcoming WEIForum & Conference" GCCI

 Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is inviting all well-meaning business men and women, product manufacturers, business organizations, investors, service providers and exporters to pitch their products and Services in her forthcoming World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) Conference scheduled to be held from the 15th to 18th of September 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia.

The WEIFORUM & Conference is an offshoot of Globe Expo and Exposition Fair powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) that will provide participating countries, individuals, exporters and business minds with an ideal platform to make their brands, goods, products and services to a global business audience.

According to a speech by the president of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George in an interview with Fow Media, Trade has been a key driver of growth in countries that have been successful in achieving high rates of growth over the past three decades, such as those in Asia. Adding that if developing countries are to accelerate their growth (economic growth), trade will have to perform the same role as that of the Asia world. Designing policies that promote trade and trade competitiveness must therefore be at the heart of growth strategies for developing countries.

Using Africa As A Case Study

The GCCI President said, It is relevant to ask whether there are special features in Africa that would help explain the massive poverty and inequality that engulfed the continent.

“Weak initial conditions (such as weak institutions, human capital and extractive colonial history and its attendant institution) at the time of independence; the dependence of almost all African countries on primary commodity production and trade; lack of non-aid financial capital flows and the alarming level of aid-dependency; lack of ownership of policies which are invariably imposed on Africa by donors; prevalence of conflict and poor governance are some of the issues where possible explanations for this sever lack of progress and pervasive poverty might be found”, He explained further.

“Many countries, especially those in Asia, removed themselves from such massive poverty, among other things, by designing and implementing a system that promote local goods, products and services”. He align the argument.

“This WEIFORUM & Conference is deliberately designed and compacted with features to tackle and address such economic and business abnormalities, help to tackle the challenges of business development in developing countries more especially, in Africa and give their goods, products and services a voice in the global business community”. He concluded.

“The weiforum & conference is a muti-sectoral business program designed for the plural society, that’s why we are inviting all-well-meaning business people to seize this opportunity to promote, grow and connect their business to global business audience”, he concluded.


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