Tuesday, May 9, 2023

 The Weiforum Conference Uk has being re-establised to take the frontline in the list of all weiforum programs lined up for 2023.

The decision was made after the executive arm of the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) sat down to evalute the reponses and request of participants indicating strong interest in the Uk edition of the Weiforum Conference.

It will interest participants to know that the program has being slated to hold in London from the 20th to the 23rd of September 2023. every other edition of the weiforum conference will be on hold, and the dates will be resheduled.

"The newest development will alter slightly the date of other weiforum programs, hence, we decide to reshedule. We apologize for the slight change and promise the features will remain the same and inviting.

"we're here to service the people in all we do and represents; our programs, our goals and the legacy we're establishing is specifically to build people and give them a sense of direction in the business space'- GCCI President
#london #commerce #business #weiforum #internationaltrade #businessconnect #networking

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