Thursday, March 30, 2023

WEIFORUM Conference: "An event targeted at drawing business enthusiast, innovative minds, investments and other form of Foreign Direct Investment".- GCCI President

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference 2023 is already underway, according to the president of the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George, strategic partnerships between nations and continents as one important way of fostering global stability.

Adding that their partnership with foreign and international organizations will ensure that the benefit of the initiative reaches many corners of the globe. He further stated that The WEIForun & Conference is a strategically planned event targeted at drawing business enthusiast, innovative minds, investments and other form of Foreign Direct Investment.

"We constantly have the concepts and technical know-how to draw partners and collaborators to our programs, which is essential to its success. A strategic cooperation, according to the Globe Chambers of Business and Industry, is one approach to accomplish a groundbreaking event like this.

The president also added that one thing about doing things well is always having the right people and the right mentality. The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference 2023 which is scheduled to take place in Tallinn, Estonia from the 15th to the 18th of September, 2023, has gotten so far in preparation has a result of constructive planning from our well articulated team of researchers and professioners.

“Although the preparation procedure appears to be somewhat difficult, harvest time is always filled with joy.

"The globe has faced many hardships in recent years, but if we can unite to build and share ideas, the entire world will become an abode for all business minds.

" We are creating a business community now for tomorrow's stability, not merely planning a program," he concluded.

United Nations Fashion Week and Awards (UNFW): An arena that coverts the imaginary into outward expression.

A rare collection of beautiful designs, artistry, famous brands, icons and media...

The United Nations Fashion Week and Awards (UNFW), is an International but, Global Platform for Fashion, Media, Fashion brands and Style businesses, Products, Accessories, Global Tourism, Business promotions, Fashion Press and lot more.

The UNFW will be a showcasing arena for Manufacturers and Distributors of Fashion related products, services and/or Awards, Fashion and Style Icons, Fashion Critics, and Exhibitions.

The event will be one of its kind with the objective of highlighting Fashions, converting imaginary view into outward expression, making textile design a privileged visual language to promote and disseminate the work of creators in the Fashion industry, highlighting and rewarding the best works.

At a time when humanity is glamouring for a new breath, for a collective conscience of greater sustainability, the event will promote the concept of all inclusive fashion, which is also synonymous with creativity, which will be powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

The United Nations Fashion Week and Awards is will held in Geneva, Switzerland from the 20th to 25th of October 2023.  The event which is a unique trade show of Global Fabrics and Accessories, Clothing, Future Textiles and Tanning is reverently and innovatively positioned to promote fashion.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

WEIFORUM Conference: "We're inviting all-well meaning business people to pitch their business tent in our forthcoming WEIForum & Conference" GCCI

 Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is inviting all well-meaning business men and women, product manufacturers, business organizations, investors, service providers and exporters to pitch their products and Services in her forthcoming World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) Conference scheduled to be held from the 15th to 18th of September 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia.

The WEIFORUM & Conference is an offshoot of Globe Expo and Exposition Fair powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) that will provide participating countries, individuals, exporters and business minds with an ideal platform to make their brands, goods, products and services to a global business audience.

According to a speech by the president of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George in an interview with Fow Media, Trade has been a key driver of growth in countries that have been successful in achieving high rates of growth over the past three decades, such as those in Asia. Adding that if developing countries are to accelerate their growth (economic growth), trade will have to perform the same role as that of the Asia world. Designing policies that promote trade and trade competitiveness must therefore be at the heart of growth strategies for developing countries.


About Globe Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)

Globe chamber of commerce and industry, an international trade organization initiated to be the leading and most innovative and advanced investment, trade and business development in the world. It was registered on the 20th of June 2019. GCCI mission and vision is to support economic growth through the promotion of trade and investment policies, whilst developing trade that focuses on industrialization and human capital development.

GCCI hopes to achieve this by building bilateral and multilateral trade partnerships which will form bridges between the private and public sectors, involving relevant government and international agencies. Also growing rural, National and international economies through the promotion of global trade that benefits all sectors of life.

According to the President of the organization, “one of the aims of Globe Chamber of Commerce is to ensure economic stability ranging from the small and medium businesses to large scale business. Our organization’s policies recognize that the strength of any society, as a whole will ultimately depend on the progress of each and every part of that society”.

“As we seek to work closely with a broad range of partners which includes government, organization leaders, international development agencies and others in the widest possible range of sectors and areas, Globe Chamber of Commerce is deeply committed to the principles that support fairness, economic growth, industrialization and making productive the population of a country”, he added.

“As we look forward to the promises of tomorrow, we also realize that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step and that each success we achieve will open doors to future progress”, he concluded.


Economic Developing and Cooperation through Global Business Development, Promoting Human Capital Development and Industrialization Supporting Global Bilateral Trade and Investment that benefits all Parties and Partnerships, Turning Nations Population into an Active Production Nations, Encouraging Mutual and Balanced Trade.


Trade and Investment Promotion

Business Development

Trade, Investment (FDI, BOOT, IPP) and Development

Trade Exhibitions, Trade Expos, Trade Fares, Trade Conferences, Economic Summits, Business Forum and Trade Missions.

Trade Programme Productions

Multilateral Economic Exchange & Cooperation

Bilateral Trade Partnerships, Joint Venture Route & More



Friday, March 24, 2023

WEIFORUM CONFERENCE: A program that will serve as a global arena to showcase varieties of manufactured goods, products and services.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) intensifies preparations as the organization continues propagating the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) Conference.

According to the president of the organization, Hon. Buchi George in his social media handle stated that all preparations in ensuring a successful outing of weiforum conference in Tallinn, Estonia are going as planned, adding that Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has added more features to the program to make it attractive and inviting.

"The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) Conference 2023, has attracted a lot of private organizations that are pushing for partnership and collaborations, we can only work with limited number because the goal is not about the huge partnership-base, but about the impact it will have in the business life of participants". he added

"In as much as date is announced for the conference, we are still working all round the clock with our team of researchers and professionals in combating areas of weakness and building a framework that will act as a template even after the program.




Miss Face of The World: A pegeantry that will create value and wealth across the globe, with women at the heart of it.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry presents a pageantry project tagged Miss Face of the World, the World prettiest girl 2023..

The pageantry will carry a combination of Intelligence, Personality, Style, Elegance, Brain, Womanhood, Fashion, and Beauty. A Search for Beauty and Elegance.

The project, is more or less a search for the most prettiest girl. it will be a pageant where beauty queens from every part of the gobe will come together to contest for the most prettiest girl, campaigning for a beautiful and peaceful society.

The Project is designed to be held in Tallinn, Estonia with a view to bring all female beauties together in one platform to promote Peace, Education, unity, understanding and love, while supporting national children education; With the view of giving Education to underprivileged children, mostly in the developing nations.

As Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) tends to organize the pageantry, their focus will also be on the promotion of all inclusive trade, busines and Investment, lets take this opportunity to reflect on the potency of this project in creating value and wealth across the globe, with women at the centre of it.

The Organization believes that the investment and business industry can drive global industrial transformation and create some of the millions of jobs we need. A stable future depends on the development of labor-intensive sectors like manufacturing and services. Within the manufacturing sector, the organization knows that job creation “from new activities” such as textile design, production and leather industries – also known as creative industries - will result in new trade patterns for most nations.

In addition, the same platform shall be available for fashion designers of traditional fabrics to showcase various designs that can be made from these fabrics, so as to create interaction between the manufacturers, designers and consumers.

The pageantry project will be organized, produced and managed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnership with top international organizations, Fow media, Globe Chamber Media and Globe Chamber Business Times a Multi oriented Media, Production and Global Entertainment

Thursday, March 23, 2023

GLOBAL FASHION WEEK AND AWARDS, A Global Campaign call on visible change on children education, catwalk to Educate A child, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA




The GLOBAL Fashion Week And Awards(GFW), is an International EXHIBITION AND EXPO FOR Global FASHION, FABRICS, world TEXTILE, LEATHER and world shoes PRODUCTS,LUXURY BRANDS AND LIFESTYLE Platform for ALL brands, Featuring an international fashion runways and fashion business forum and awards .

An inspirational program and globe project of GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, UNFW A YEARLY PROGRAM

its a global gathering of international Media, Fashion houses, experts and professional, investors and stakeholders with fashion and luxury business interest and Style businesses.

GLOBAL FASHION WEEK AND AWARDS, promoting FASHION TRADE AND ENTERPRENURSHIP AND HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT WITH Entrepreneurship and trade PROMOTIONS ( with major focus on Fashion business) is a powerful brands and marketing tool in boasting the trade and production sector.


WEIForum & Conference: "The program is strategic in supporting the value chain of international trade system" - GCCI President

 In an effort to accompany the rebuilding of most global business economy, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has strategically fortified The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) & Conference 2023, to assist in the rebuilding process.

The GCCI has it in one of her statement that they are putting together a Strategic plan to support the value chain of international trade system considering the unsure state of global economy. Adding that one of their foremost program to that effect is the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) & Conference.

Supporting the organization’s statement, the President of the organization reaffirmed that the weiforum & Conference which will be organize by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry will serve as a platform that will boost international commerce and investment.


World Technology and Innovation Expo: A program that will equip every inquisitive mind with an ideology to explore technology globally.

Investment across the globe is a niche that appeals to the mind of all and sundry, The World Technology and Innovation Expo is a program for exchange that focuses on entrepreneurship, workforce development, and training to support indigenous content. It equips every inquisitive mind with an ideology of not only preparing for the workforce but an insight to explore global perspectives on technology.

This project is inspired by the need to keep pace with technological changes, the need to be competitive, and the desire to be efficient and effective in meeting the needs of artisans. The goal of this initiative is to provide participants with the best opportunity for acquiring advanced skills, which will then equip and open up new channels for participant wealth creation.


It’s also designed to improve and refresh participants' knowledge, increase their capacity, and expose them to global innovation and new technology.

The World Technology and Innovation Expo is powered by the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is a global brand, an International business network that offers unique business programs, networking opportunities, and business connections leveraging the expertise and experience of its members.

Having witnessed the power of international commerce to lift millions of people out of poverty, today GCCI is one of its kind that has its sight set on the future of globalization, working to promote inclusive and sustainable growth to the benefit of all.

Monday, March 20, 2023




Tallinn, Estonia will be the host country for the World Economic and Investment Forum & Conference, scheduled for the 15th to 18th of September, 2023.

The program which is powered by Globe Chamber of commerce and industry (GCCI) will be one of the ways through which goods and service will be traded interchangeably between global business people and it will, indeed create a strong bilateral and multilateral trade relationships with key nations of the world.

For more information visit: 👉
#business #commerce #investment #bilateraltrade #conference #expositionfair #expo

Friday, March 17, 2023

WEIForum & Conference: A program that provide a stable and sustainable environment for business networking and partnership.


 Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has it across all their media handles that their program World Economic and Investment Forum (WEI Forum) & Conference will connect regional own goods and service to the global community.

WEI Forum according to the organization will strategically expose manufacturing and production companies to the vast opportunities around the world especially in Europe.

The President of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George while backing the claim said, the WEIForum & Conference project is designed to Connect Continent with Continents throughTrade Partnership and Investment development.




Thursday, March 16, 2023

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM)

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) is a multi- sectoral trade promotional platform designed with an itinerary to provide delegates with events where they will meet serious buyers, explore new development opportunities and network with innovative minds, trade experts, Leaders and entrepreneurs globally. The Weiforum is designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).
#businessplatform #events #programs #globaltrends #investment #opportunities #network #matchmakinghub #partnership


Weiforum & Conference: "A program that has the potency to project, promote and market business brands, products, goods and services globally



Weiforum & Conference: "A program that has the potency to project, promote and market business brands, products, goods and services globally" - Hon. Buchi George

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) believes that WEIFORUM & Conference will undoubtedly impact meaningfully in every business personnel and sector that will participate in the event.

Supporting that statement, the president of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George in a media addressing expressed confidence that the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference will be historical, adding that its significance will be felt across every sector of global economy.

“Our journey as an organization has an imprint that is interesting no matter how the story is been told”

“Success in any endeavor does not come cheap, it has its sour taste before it became sweet and that is why we are doing all within our power irrespective of the challenges to ensure that this program uphold the desired goal and it solves globally challenges.

“Weiforum is a realistic project for today, tomorrow and for the future, it’s a realistic construct by GCCI that has the potency to scale up, promote, project and market business brands, products, organizations, goods and services globally". he added

He further stated that the WEIFORUM & Conference will be taking place from the 15th to 17th of September 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia.

“Despite having a tight calendar, we are giving priority this program  because of its broad nature.

“Even with the date outlined, there is still much to be done to make the event viable, but we are not relenting, all hands are on deck, to ensure the progress of the program.”

" We invite every business individual, organization and brand to register and attend this life changing program using this link ".

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

WEIFORUM & Conference: An Initiative Designed To Add Value To The Business World

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference is a program designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide business enthusiasts, individuals, industrialist, manufacturers and business minds with a platform to transact business, connect and network with expert and key players in the business industry

The Weiforum & Conference will also offer expert advice on how to promote global regional economic integration as well as the implications of reform meant to promote economic stability, diversification, and expansion.

Without trade and cross-border investment, chances of achieving equal societies, reestablishing livelihoods, and securing economic recovery are slim.

The World Economic and Investment Forum & conference will highlight upcoming trends and assist participants in making sense of the current global economic landscape.

The Conference will be a voice of reason that is based in reality and rising above border, while taking into account valid worries about industrialization.

It will redefine the role of trade and investment in developing sustainable, resilient, and equitable businesses, economies, and societies. It will also redesign trade management.

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference is designed to be held in Tallinn, Estonia from the 15th to 17th of September, 2023 and it is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

WEIFORUM & Conference: An Initiative Designed To Add Value To The Business World

 The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference is a program designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide business enthusiasts, individuals, industrialist, manufacturers and business minds with a platform to transact business, connect and network with expert and key players in the business industry

The Weiforum & Conference will also offer expert advice on how to promote global regional economic integration as well as the implications of reform meant to promote economic stability, diversification, and expansion.

Without trade and cross-border investment, chances of achieving equal societies, reestablishing livelihoods, and securing economic recovery are slim.

The World Economic and Investment Forum & conference will highlight upcoming trends and assist participants in making sense of the current global economic landscape.

The Conference will be a voice of reason that is based in reality and rising above border, while taking into account valid worries about industrialization.

It will redefine the role of trade and investment in developing sustainable, resilient, and equitable businesses, economies, and societies. It will also redesign trade management.

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference is designed to be held in Tallinn, Estonia from the 20th to 23rd of September, 2023 and it is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Gubernatoria Election March 18: INEC, Nigerians must get it right this time – Buchi George


International trade and investment promoter Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George has called on the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC to avoid issues that marred the presidential and national assembly elections last month.

Buchi George who spoke from Abuja said INEC owes Nigerians a free and fair elections, adding that it is unfair that the most important elections seemed like a testrun for the new technology.

Despite assurances from the electoral umpire, he said that another INEC’s failure will turn the nation upside down, as people are already frustrated by the situation in the country.

“People are already frustrated by what seemed like avoidable mistakes during the presidential elections”

“Nigerians are now at the level where no one can play with their intelligence and we also know what we deserve which is nothing but the best”

He called on Nigerians not to be discouraged by the outcome of the last election, but to go out en masse and vote for those that will make the nation better.

He hailed the commitment of youths in the electoral process, adding that if more youths will vote at the upcoming elections, the outcome will be different.

“Politicians understand how to play around with the class of people who are not enlightened and they have been very okay with the absence of youths in the electoral processes since inception”

“Youths have now taken their place. They have understood where the change they are yearning for will come from and their participation in the Presidential and National Assembly elections turned out to be the game changer”

“I will urge them not to relent because no battle is won in a day, this is the beginning of the statement and come this Saturday, it will be completed for this year’s episode”, he said.

Buchi George is the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry, an international trade and investment promotion company.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

WEIFORUM & Conference: An Initiative Designed To Add Value To The Business World

The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) & Conference is a program designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide business enthusiasts, individuals, industrialist, manufacturers and business minds with a platform to transact business, connect and network with expert and key players in the business industry

The Weiforum & Conference will also offer expert advice on how to promote global regional economic integration as well as the implications of reform meant to promote economic stability, diversification, and expansion.

Without trade and cross-border investment, chances of achieving equal societies, reestablishing livelihoods, and securing economic recovery are slim.

The World Economic and Investment Forum & conference will highlight upcoming trends and assist participants in making sense of the current global economic landscape.


Monday, March 13, 2023

WEIFORUM Estonia: A Conference, Exposition Fair and Exhibition.

 According to the web page of WEIFORUM,, The WEIFORUM Conference will be a tool to change the global ideology on trade.

WEIFORUM Conference which is an international conference, Exposition Fair, and exhibition platform was created by Globe Chamber of Commerce under the WEIFORUM project to facilitate trade development and investment across the globe.

The President of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry GCCI, and the brain behind WEFORUM development, Hon. Buchi George said that, apart from being in synergy with what his organization does, the WEIFORUM conference is timely as the world, most especially Europe is trying to redefine trade and investment after series of trade wars, civil unrest and what have you……...

“Recently, we learnt that isolation is a killer of development, and no single nation can survive in isolation

“When the globe was kept on a “stand-still” during the Covid era, we saw that even big nations struggled because trade was also affected

“The aftermath gave us a view and a clear roadmap on how to establish and bring nations together, which can mostly be done through trade activities…..and thus, gave birth to The WEIFORUM project”

“The Conference which is scheduled for Tallinn, Estonia, from the 20th to 23rd September, 2023 will focus on business exchange, exposition fair, business exhibitions, investment and partnership

It will also offer multiple opportunities to global business enthusiats to support and influence trade, Investment and business development as it relates to policy making, global matchmaking and outsourcing.

The WEIFORUM conference will also shape the business climate of participants in terms of trade growth and networking with global business leaders and stakeholders that come within the borders of trade.

“WEIFORUM is a global initiative that will accelerate the development of global trade and investment, adding that it will connect continents through trade development and investment”. He established

“Our objective is simply to promote friendship through business development; creating B2B, B2C trade relationships, conference, expos, exhibitions and business fair that create value for all humanity and sectors.

"The Conference is being put together by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) under the WEIFORUM project". he concluded


Registration for exhibition and participation/delegation are available here



Globe Expo: Tallin, Estonia will play host to the second edition

 The event which is geared at networking global business proffesionals with consumers in Estonia, Uk, Canada, Japan, and other countries is in partnership with the various private international trade agencies according to an official statement by the organizers.

Globe Expo 2023 is put together by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry pioneered by a renowned trade and investment expert Hon. Buchi George.

Hon. Buchi in his linkedin handle stated that the event is specifically designed for goods, products, services and processing companies as well as other relevant sectors.

“One thing we are doing is to keep digging so that we can come up with something that will add value to the business world”


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Globe Expo 2023: “We will take Globe Expo to every continent of the world" - GCCI President

 “We will take Globe Expo to every continent of the world”, Hon. Buchi George said while talking about his organization’s plan for 2023.

Hon. Buchi George who is the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) said that his organization is committed to promoting regions and countries as a viable ground for trade and investment.

He when further to establish that his organization have a simple goal which is to sell regional trade to other regions and other nations of the world.

“It has always been simple for us”, he said, adding that even when the goal is significant and crystal clear, the process still need much to be achieved.

“Taking it one country at a time has been our approach and no matter how you see it, we’re diligent in our researches to understand the best countries to partner with in our Globe Expo projects”

“All hands are on deck in ensuring that the work we are doing will yield tremendous results”, he added.

The Globe Expo which is a project under the WEIFORUM, which is powered by GCCI has so far listed 14 countries, 3 regions and 5 continents in total, with possibility of more as locations for the Globe Expo in 2023.

Estonia, Malta, Canada, UK, Australia, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Finland, Bulgaria, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Argentina and Brazil are some of the countries on the list.

North & South America, Europe, Asia and Australia are the continents involved, while Middle East, Baltic and Mediterranean are the regions in consideration.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

WEIFORUM: "We'll keep getting better with each project" - GCCI President

 The Chairman of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George has revealed that with the programmes lined up for 2023, his organization will keep get better in service delivery and human capital development.

The GCCI boss who spoke through his LinkedIn handle, said as the year is winding down, 2022 was an experimental year and it came with lots of positivity and with that, he was very optimistic that 2023 will be loaded with more activities.

He revealed that as a progressive organization, they will be taking resolutions that will see them work at the level where they can create world-class ideas that will yield the appropriate results, adding that it is a process they have been in and he is happy with what his team have done so far.

“We started from nowhere, and now, we’ve created a world-class trade organization with exceptional service delivery approach. We will keep getting better with each project and we know we’ll surely be on the map of success someday”


Globe Expo UK, is an integral part of The World Economic and Investment Forum

Globe Expo UK, is an integral part of The World Economic and Investment Forum UK (WEIFORUM, UK) which is put in motion by Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry (GCCI) to strengthen trade between continents.

The Expo will be taking palce in different parts of the world: and the Weiforum Mediterranean Edition, will be taking place in Malta (Globe Expo Malt). stay tuned as informations on the venue and date comes your way later.
#globeexpo #mediterrean #weiforum #commerce #investment #investment #exposition #fair

Monday, March 6, 2023

WEIFORUM: Globe Expo UK, Exposition Fair and Exhibition

 The Globe Expo Uk, is an exposition fair designed to converge variety of business individuals that will showcase their brands, goods, products and services. additionally, the expo is designed to accommodate visitors, exhibitors, tourists and all within the business climate.

According to the official web page of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), the Globe Expo is a program under the WEIFORUM project designed with the objective of improving cross border business transactions between manufacturers and sellers, sellers and consumers, Government and Investors among others.

Supporting the aforementioned, the president and the chief strategist of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George also stated that the Globe Expo Exposition Fair is a market where buyers and sellers gather to transact business. Adding that it’s indeed an exposition that will showcase the works of art, science and industry to stimulate public interest, promote manufactured products, expand trade and illustrate progress in a variety of areas.


Reykjavik, Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland, is the world's safest city, and Copenhagen and Montreal Follows, Fact and things to know

the World’s Safest Cities for travel. Things have changed – significantly, and fast – but we’re back with another list, and some important newcomers to the top 15.

We’re going to unveil the list in little more than a paragraph, so if you’d prefer a slower reveal, to jump down the page. Otherwise, here we go.

From top to bottom the 15 safest cities are:

1. Reykjavik

2. Copenhagen

3. Montreal

4. Amsterdam

5. Seoul

6. Singapore

7. Tokyo

8. Berlin

9. London

10. Sydney

11. Barcelona

12. Honolulu

13. Rome

14. Dubai

15. Paris



We started with readily available lists of the most popular international and domestic cities for travelers, culled from Expedia, American Express and other sources. That gave us a list of 29 cities for survey respondents to rank.

As part of the survey process we ask our survey respondents if they’ve actually visited any of these cities, and only travelers who have actually been to the cities are allowed to rank them on a variety of safety measures, using their first-hand knowledge as a yardstick.

To the survey ratings we added the most recent safe-cities index from The Economist, city ratings from GeoSure Global, and the Current Crime Index from Numbeo, and weighted everything to get a final result.


These ratings look back to give a picture of what’s happening now. They can’t give you a safety rating into the future, but can be your safety compass when planning.

If you use this as a guide, understand how we got here, and pay attention to the headlines you should be fine.

Okay, let’s learn a little more about the safest cities


The capital of Estonia, Tallinn, is known as the cleanest city in the world.


The capital of Estonia, Tallinn, is known as the cleanest city in the world. It has 430,000 people, and it's one of the most livable cities in Europe. The capital's high level of education means that its streets are spotless, and almost every household recycles their waste paper to reduce landfill levels.

Cleanest Cities in the World 2023

Definitions of cleanliness and a “clean” city can vary greatly. A clean city doesn’t necessarily mean one can eat off of the streets or sidewalks. A clean city can be a lack of trash in the streets, an abundance of clean water, or high air quality – or all three.

To be a clean city, the problems that lead to unsanitary and unhealthy living conditions need to be solved. This includes waste management, creating transportation infrastructure is using energy-efficient and green technology, preventing littering, and implementing policies that ensure cleanliness.

Pollution is a large factor in determining the cleanliness of a city. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the air and environment causing adverse effects. Pollution damages the environment and the human body as air pollution is a cause for lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other serious health issues.

Due to a variety of factors, cities around the world experience different levels of pollution. For several years, cities have been working on green initiatives to implement cleaner means of transportation, processes, and lower the levels of pollution. In the Congress passed several Clean Air Acts in an attempt to enforce stricter pollution regulations, resulting in dramatic decreases in pollution levels such as carbon dioxide emissions and particulate emissions.

Best Life analyzed 200 of the world's largest cities to determine which were the cleanest. The analysis included air pollution levels (both PM10 and PM2.5), the quality of life ranking according to Mercer, the country's Environmental Performance Index, and if the city has a spot on Monocle's Quality of Life survey. Not all cities on the list have a Mercer and Monocle ranking.

Based on these data points, the cleanest cities in the world (and their clean city

  1. Tallinn, Estonia, followed by London, England, United Kingdom (74.94)
  2. Paris, France (74.90)
  3. New York City, New York, United States (74.89)
  4. Madrid, Spain (72.66)
  5. Auckland, New Zealand (71.97)
  6. Hamburg, Germany (71.32)
  7. Barcelona, Spain (70.46)
  8. Berlin, Germany (70.28)
  9. Vienna, Austria (70.17)
  10. Sapporo, Japan (68.89)